Thursday, January 20, 2011

Unexpected Adventure

Unexpected adventure has been the constant in my life since I left the security of my full-time job back in September. One passion, recently rediscovered, that really caught me off guard, is writing. I have not done much writing for my soul for the past few years, as most of my writing has been in the realm of educational materials and proposal letters. Have you ever listened to a song that made you feel as though you were literally bursting with joy? That is how writing makes me feel.

My expression through written word is much different from the way I communicate verbally. I suppose this is why the rediscovery of this passion was so unexpected. You see, I am not on overly eloquent speaker. Sometimes, I am a clumsy speaker, stumbling over words, often horrified by the way I have chosen to string a sentence together. Now, I have studied psychology and dabbled in neuroscience so I know, because I have been taught, that different parts of the brain control different functions. It was not until I embarked on this new adventure that I truly understood that concept. My ability to take language and weave it into words is apparent on paper, but in speech, well, there must be a way to fix this! Or, I could simply embrace my ability to write and see where it takes me! I have been doing a fair bit of reading to learn about the world of freelance writing and so another adventure, an unexpected adventure, is beginning for me.

My lesson in this situation is to flow with the gifts I already possess. What gifts do you possess that you have temporarily buried? Maybe it's time for an unexpected adventure of your own...:)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Postive Affirmations-an excerpt

I have recently welcomed, with arms and heart wide open, major transformation into my life. My mind and my soul are ravenous for positive stimulation, which comes in several forms, written word being one of them. My ultimate goal is to be able to do EVERYTHING from a place of love.

As I am trying to rid myself of judgement and pessimism, I don't need to look far to find what I am seeking. A recurring topic in articles, posts and books I am reading is positive affirmation. When I say recurring, I mean that positive affirmations have been following me for nearly 2 decades!! When I was an adolescent, I used to see lovely quotes posted on my aunt's fridge. One of the most beautiful quotes is Life's Lessons from a Butterfly, which I copied down at about age 16. I still keep a copy of this lovely quote with me and each time I read it, it inspires me again:

~let go of the past
~trust the future
~embrace change
~come out of the cocoon
~unfurl your wings
~dare to get off the ground
~ride on the breezes
~savour all the flowers
~put on your brightest colours
~let your beauty show

~Author Unknown~

I suppose you could say this was my introduction to positive affirmations. Since then, I have been collecting inspirational quotes and I even post relevant affirmations on my mirrors. This way I can subliminally program my brain to believe those words. We have all heard the expression: “seeing is believing,” so I do not think that seeing written words day after day is any different than this.

I want to challenge you to write your own personal, positive affirmation. Start with a positive statement, as if you already do believe it.

It is very important that your affirmation is written with positive language. To clarify: I do not personally believe that statements such as: “ I don't want to be negative anymore” work nearly as well as statements such as: “I am optimistic.” These ideas are like synonyms as they are essentially saying the same thing, and yet the concepts of these statements when inserted into a belief pattern are wildly different. The first statement is focusses on the belief that “I am negative” while the second statement is a defiant proclamation of positivity.

Your topic is up to you: it can be something you have been struggling with or it can be something incredibly simple you want to change. The beauty of reorganizing your beliefs is that you get to choose what your beliefs are. After repeating your personalized positive affirmation a few times, you might be surprised how quickly your thought patterns change.

Here is the affirmation I wrote today:

I am powerful and I confront every challenge that lies before me with the determination that the end result will be positive. I recognize that every experience I encounter, no matter how difficult it is, teaches me something valuable.

I wrote this because I absolutely detest confrontation. I realize though, that the reason I am uncomfortable with confrontation is that its significance has negative connotations around it. I think of confrontation as a battle: 2 or more sides disagree and the end goal is for 1 side to win. This is my belief of the concept of confrontation. By using this positive affirmation to change my belief about confrontation, I can turn it into something that fits within my perception, therefore making it something I can handle with ease and grace. I do not expect this to happen instantaneously, yet I feel that my awareness of my beliefs enables me to fit the change in this pattern in a relatively short linear time frame.

Allow me to decipher how this will work:

Because I am not as outspoken as I once was, I sometimes associate this with being weak, or powerless. Ultimately, I know I am powerful, just not in what my belief system considers "the traditional sense." Because I sometimes lack faith in my power, I periodically shy away from challenges that arise. I used to be really fearless but that would get me into minor trouble, so I became really careful and the unknown became “dangerous” so I did not venture there. After mulling this over, I realize that “not venturing there” means I missing out on adventure, which in my belief system, is one of the most important aspects of the human experience.

So here I am, unsatisfied with my lack of adventure, which to me translates into I do not want to continue existing in a mundane way. I want change but I need more than the desire-I need to act on this desire.

We live in a physical world so a mere desire does not necessarily make it so. I need to act! Writing down a positive affirmation makes it exist in the physical world. If I am a physical entity and I see another physical entity, it exists within the framework of my reality.

How curious: I read this statement about myself and I think, hmmm, that's never going to work! Words on a piece of paper? And yet, the more I read it, the more I start to think: why not? Why wouldn't I be powerful? And on a logical note, I personally do all things with the intention of a positive end result. Even if the end result is “negative” by definition, there is no way that I have learned absolutely nothing from the experience. In my belief system, learning is ALWAYS positive, as it allows us to expand. Therefore, what do I have to be afraid of when I am challenged, if I know that at the very least, I will learn something from the experience?

Please do not underestimate the intelligence of your own mind. Beliefs are a major part of our identity and the desire to change the beliefs that were implanted by our parents, teachers and loved ones can cause inner turmoil. Letting go of old beliefs is healthy but hard. Creating new beliefs can be a way to rid yourself of the parts of your existing beliefs that make an unhealthy foundation or to strengthen an existing foundation you wish to expand.

If you wish to have assistance in writing your personal positive affirmation or if you have any questions, please contact me as I would love to assist you in blossoming beyond what you believe is possible for you!!